User Interfaces and Unittesting with the QUnit framework and jQuery

Just a while ago I checked out QUnit. I fiddled around with it, wrote some simple tests and I thought, this could be very useful. When writing code you always add some new features into existing functionality and that’s where the errors and regres… Weiterlesen →

Smashing Magazine Web Design Challenge

So, this is the first time I write about work I’ve done on my blog and I think the Smashing Magazine Web Design Challange is a great chance to do this and look at my own work with some critical thinking. The project I’m writing about is a website/… Weiterlesen →

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Developer Shame Day

Was ich da gemacht hab weiss ich auch nicht mehr so genau, hat aber wohl einen Grund gehabt. Weiterlesen →

Diplom: 2. Woche

Getting Real, keine Post-Its und the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine). Weiterlesen →

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Sticky scrolling shoppingcart with jQuery

This is a little jQuery snippet for a sticky scrolling shoppingcart like the one Apple uses at the Apple Onlinestore: Demo: jQu… Weiterlesen →